
Amazon part-time job

LY1234567 发表于 2022-5-12 03:56:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 北美地区
地区: NY纽约州 » 唐人街
餐饮职位: 其它行业
薪酬: 电聊


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Amazon part-time job& N! [4 F  o, H1 y- T

+ [4 r: P& ?9 s! m. @! b' xHave an Amazon account? We’re looking for people that will write their positive opinion of our products.  q3 d$ X& q! U" C( l; {0 m/ V
% s: R9 }" n  U: c' _
You must be detail oriented, and be able to explain in writing what you like about our products. The more detailed and creative your reviews are, the more products you’ll get to review!6 r) j8 c7 Q  a) a8 s  i

) I7 W. q' K2 j5 t! N4 OWho we are looking for and requirements:
- W' y! k) P8 a✓ Must be 18 years old or older.
) a" G/ q& x& v! p' z( d% }# q✓ Must have an Amazon account and met the minium eligibility requirements to write a review.
: X  g5 h- L  C- i5 S7 B✓ Must have Paypal* J% N8 R+ Z8 z) y) v4 u7 P2 ~
✓ Must live in the US.5 Q8 k$ R0 C! \" y0 a7 h& ~6 R
✓ Must speak and write in English.9 u5 A* T4 \0 w2 _$ v1 o7 b  a( L
✓ Able to upload pictures. Smartphones are OK.7 K( R. }4 ^: k. S4 w/ L

9 Z" z! S: h, @/ e3 l  ?7 ^* p5 @. sHere is how it works and how you will get paid.6 F) v' m. Y8 W1 v( W
1. We will tell you which of our products to purchase (we will pay you for it through PayPal before you purchase it).( O% J  R% w, n3 i9 P1 j8 L
2. When you receive our product, you must notify us.0 M  o( F0 X* R% J
3. Test and use the product for 4 days or more. Keep the product for FREE.
8 t& L. g3 N/ r/ S4 t4. Write your 5 stars positive review of the product. Be as descriptive and detailed as posssible. Please include photos.: y/ X& S" y  n7 F3 Y( Z; K
5. We’ll pay you $12 benefit once you posted the review and it is live on Amazon through PayPal.0 `) ~0 d( Q8 r2 T; c2 ?6 |0 Y
6. If we like your reviews, we keep sending you products to review!6 u. o' O1 d/ X5 k; u1 \3 n5 C
  M3 S% C9 a+ N! O" P. B
Want to get started and think it’s for you?
  w, I/ }3 [5 V9 {' h: k; wSend email or whatsapp message to us and answer the short questionnaire to see if you qualify.) T- o- d) ?* Q+ z9 C7 d
If you qualify, you will receive the instructions within 12 business hours.
6 Q1 }; B: @+ G# ]# z; J' \$ M/ K9 C! O6 n% v
Email to us: [email protected]
3 ~. O0 @1 H- H3 l6 w- ^7 |Message to whatsapp: +12014644061  Y5 [6 d# d& X$ m0 S
, i) n" x# G# r& T6 q; d

; O. y% }3 s, h: y, n( k

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