您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?立即注册
6 E' h e9 `; o* r 为使用美国同城及 的论坛所有服务,您应当阅读并遵守《美国同城服务协议》(以下简称“本协议”)和《美国同城用户规则》。请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款、管辖与法律适用条款,以及开通或使用某项服务的单独协议。限制、免责条款可能以黑体加粗或加下划线的形式提示您重点注意。除非您已阅读并接受本协议所有条款,否则您无权使用美国同城提供的服务。您使用美国同城的服务即视为您已阅读并同意上述协议的约束。 B3 x8 m2 \; Q/ D2 Z
如果您未满18周岁,请在法定监护人的陪同下阅读本协议,并特别注意未成年人使用条款。 用户声明与承诺 用户同意并承诺遵守美国联邦和各州相关法规以及一切使用互联网的国际惯例,若在美国以外地区使用本服务,并同意遵守所属国家或地区的法规,同意不得利用本服务从事侵害他人权益或有违法之行为,并保证美国同城以及所有管理团队成员(合称“受保护方”)免受因您的用户名或第三方使用您的用户名登录所引起的任何法律责任。 您仅对您的提交内容承担责任。虽然情报站不会也无法检查您所有的提交内容,亦不会对这些信息的内容承担责任,情报站保留删除、移除或编辑经其自行判断认为侮辱性的、诽谤性的、淫秽的、侵犯隐私,违反版权或商标法的或其他不可接受的提交内容的权利。 情报站不代表或支持任何用户、信息提供方或其他任何个人或实体通过服务而展示、上传或发布的任何观点、意见、陈述或其他信息的准确性或可信性。您充分了解,您将自行承担对任何此类观点、意见、陈述、摘要或信息的依赖而产生的任何风险。 本服务包含进入其他相关友情网站、资源和文章中的链接。我们不对这些外部资源的可用性或者其内容承担责任,请将有关任何外部链接的问题提交至该网站的网站管理人员或网管。 一、【协议的范围】
( i; Z9 g/ p1 ` _) e' _ 1.1本协议是您与美国同城之间关于用户使用美国同城相关服务所订立的协议。“美国同城”是指美国同城公司及其相关服务可能存在的运营关联单位。“用户”是指使用美国同城相关服务的使用人,在本协议中更多地称为“您”。3 b% T* U% Z. U
1.2本协议项下的服务是指美国同城向用户提供的包括但不限于即时通讯、网络媒体、互联网增值、互动娱乐、电子商务和广告等产品及服务(以下简称“本服务”)。8 U" h, x2 I+ t' s2 F1 g- y
1.3本协议内容同时包括 o. O; U" Q1 P7 V6 `, _& l: E
m6 x% _2 ?" ^/ o' a9 p' ]
0 _4 W! h% y5 O2 | 二、【帐号与密码安全】
( y& t% b) k8 D% V" f 2.1您在使用美国同城的服务时可能需要注册一个帐号。关于您使用帐号的具体规则,请遵守《美国同城号码规则》和单独协议。
( J! R- @5 G+ y6 O" X& F 2.2美国同城特别提醒您应妥善保管您的帐号和密码。当您使用完毕后,应安全退出。因您保管不善可能导致遭受盗号或密码失窃,责任由您自行承担。
. U1 j6 T3 b) l' a1 ~/ L: X$ _9 P1 p6 s) R+ Z
三、【用户个人信息保护】2 p7 Q e- G0 P) h9 n. m& b' Z+ j
4 E* `& [3 C( Y 3.2您在注册帐号或使用本服务的过程中,可能需要填写一些必要的信息。若国家法律法规有特殊规定的,您需要填写真实的身份信息。若您填写的信息不完整,则无法使用本服务或在使用过程中受到限制。
" B: @: Z+ A2 ]% S1 o! m 3.3一般情况下,您可随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如号码申诉服务)的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其他验证信息。
: Z& X* C+ x3 ]& G: b 3.4美国同城将运用各种安全技术和程序建立完善的管理制度来保护您的个人信息,以免遭受未经授权的访问、使用或披露。
- u7 @1 }# a( ]5 u 3.5美国同城不会将您的个人信息转移或披露给任何非关联的第三方,除非:8 v! f( S4 O8 N; C' u+ p
& J$ x( h1 Q8 S# Q* ? (2)为完成合并、分立、收购或资产转让而转移;或
4 U2 X& S5 U- l (3)为提供您要求的服务所必需。9 c. V/ s4 R, l* Y6 ^
3.6美国同城非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。若您是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用美国同城的服务前,应事先取得您家长或法定监护人(以下简称"监护人")的书面同意。 3.7情报站重视对您的个人资料及隐私权的保护,不会任意修改会员资料或所存储在情报站上的文档资料,除非使用者涉及违法,侵权或者违反本规则,在某些特殊情况下,情报站可能会将您的资料或者IP地址等信息提供给第三方,包括: A.在紧急情况下,为维护用户及公众的权益; B.法院的书面通知,警方的办案需要,FBI等执法机构的要求。 C.维护情报站合法之权益。 % K" w' n7 d+ ~6 n
' U' |% } r! E# a# v* J 4.1除非您与美国同城另有约定,您同意本服务仅为您个人非商业性质的使用。; H* Y9 ?9 H' l- d( l% O4 y
4.2您应当通过美国同城提供或认可的方式使用本服务。您依本协议条款所取得的权利不可转让。; W( [9 t" W5 E6 R8 O# w4 o
) Q1 P5 h6 Y; ]
7 Z/ {* s3 M$ d3 S/ E! @2 `0 p# e 五、【按现状提供服务】! h, z5 `- @' k6 y0 H
/ P- r9 c5 A$ i, Z# J# z0 g1 b" Q0 d6 M
+ Q. ~6 S6 f3 P1 ~. _ 6.1您应当理解,您使用美国同城的服务需自行准备与相关服务有关的终端设备(如电脑、调制解调器等装置),并承担所需的费用(如电话费、上网费等费用)。
+ n* h0 R; c8 n# Z/ h/ V 6.2您理解并同意,您使用本服务时会耗用您的终端设备和带宽等资源。, v% M5 X$ l% P/ ?- g- P
+ x* O: s& ^# u8 d4 n1 m* K/ i 七、【广告】% }( I9 y- p1 d3 f
$ ~! i: Y5 ?; ?4 j( t: D 7.2美国同城可能为您提供选择关闭广告信息的功能,但任何时候您都不得以本协议未明确约定或美国同城未书面许可的方式屏蔽、过滤广告信息。; @6 i% u: o/ U+ x) [
g' s* @! M% S5 I. Y4 n2 T 7.4您同意,对美国同城服务中出现的广告信息,您应审慎判断其真实性和可靠性,除法律明确规定外,您应对依该广告信息进行的交易负责。# x' f% `+ P1 P( I, C$ Q
( h' H& S4 { J- W5 c' e
% W: P( ]( s" h/ g% @. E+ v: C 8.1美国同城的部分服务是以收费方式提供的,如您使用收费服务,请遵守相关的协议。
, Z% l7 T* [5 O7 o8 {- u 8.2美国同城可能根据实际需要对收费服务的收费标准、方式进行修改和变更,美国同城也可能会对部分免费服务开始收费。前述修改、变更或开始收费前,美国同城将在相应服务页面进行通知或公告。如果您不同意上述修改、变更或付费内容,则应停止使用该服务。
* d' {0 T7 X* ~; A& q2 y# t% |1 o _/ t C0 I
九、【第三方提供的产品或服务】$ \6 i* ?. x6 D+ }9 A
& o- Z) @3 p. r6 t6 \# f( F/ n* n3 E8 C- P9 a9 i
$ D1 |2 t( l1 p* m; E" v, L1 t, j8 N; T( _0 t4 z2 i' X3 {2 P) i/ `
若美国同城依托“软件”向您提供服务,您还应遵守以下约定:/ I- J9 a8 \) j
10.1您在使用本服务的过程中可能需要下载软件,对于这些软件,美国同城给予您一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可。您仅可为访问或使用本服务的目的而使用这些软件。5 J- S; K, A+ j9 _
10.2为了改善用户体验、保证服务的安全性及产品功能的一致性,美国同城可能会对软件进行更新。您应该将相关软件更新到最新版本,否则美国同城并不保证其能正常使用。8 H# ?! W+ ~& `2 e
( \, F, u% `1 P8 Y% Y
10.3美国同城可能为不同的终端设备开发不同的软件版本,您应当根据实际情况选择下载合适的版本进行安装。您可以直接从美国同城的网站上获取软件,也可以从得到美国同城授权的第三方获取。如果您从未经美国同城授权的第三方获取软件或与软件名称相同的安装程序,美国同城无法保证该软件能够正常使用,并对因此给您造成的损失不予负责。) g( H- M; s+ @; a& ~; ~% X
) u, I' T; p( T! |
10.4除非美国同城书面许可,您不得从事下列任一行为: 8 W0 E! V1 e9 e/ m: s
(1)删除软件及其副本上关于著作权的信息; 4 F" G9 ?8 `9 O( `
(2)对软件进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译,或者以其他方式尝试发现软件的源代码; 6 e6 {6 ?3 [. u1 o0 I
(3)对美国同城拥有知识产权的内容进行使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版、建立镜像站点等; ; P. R, U. S; |& F9 V$ W
. }" l3 Z1 U( ^! t(5)通过修改或伪造软件运行中的指令、数据,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果,或者将用于上述用途的软件、方法进行运营或向公众传播,无论这些行为是否为商业目的; 8 k/ ~4 r; v" C! [" j/ L. W3 I6 z
8 f$ {9 R$ `2 O; k- [% _, g3 k
( x. s6 | l6 N4 { 十一、【知识产权声明】
, D6 z# l: s3 O9 l1 \9 x 11.1美国同城在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)的知识产权归美国同城所有,用户在使用本服务中所产生的内容的知识产权归用户或相关权利人所有。
, [8 b6 x8 z/ _: Y 11.2除另有特别声明外,美国同城提供本服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归美国同城所有。* e. k9 ^2 s) U8 p
0 ^' ?2 g) i3 |8 i$ P- o5 X 11.4上述及其他任何本服务包含的内容的知识产权均受到法律保护,未经美国同城、用户或相关权利人书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式进行使用或创造相关衍生作品。3 T$ [" u% e- c
. Q$ ?0 G; @% H1 ? 十二、【用户违法行为】& N4 F [7 c' k1 E' ]8 P
12.1您在使用本服务时须遵守法律法规,不得利用本服务从事违法违规行为,包括但不限于:% ^, c# T+ |! _
2 ]) m( Y0 x( N$ O6 C (2)发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的内容;
z& `/ J* e4 i# t* U (3)恶意虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人;
. {, V7 T: ]( T. C' @1 m; n (4)发布、传送、传播广告信息及垃圾信息;# ^7 y8 K7 Y* ^$ N3 u
(5)其他法律法规禁止的行为。/ ]* i6 h1 X8 e2 j( \ t* X
3 {' {' j* p9 Z3 D/ i% w; U 12.3如果美国同城发现或收到他人举报您发布的信息违反本条约定,美国同城有权进行独立判断并采取技术手段予以删除、屏蔽或断开链接。同时,美国同城有权视用户的行为性质,采取包括但不限于暂停或终止服务,限制、冻结或终止本论坛的账号使用,追究法律责任等措施。% G) G A/ L( l
12.4您违反本条约定,导致任何第三方损害的,您应当独立承担责任;美国同城因此遭受损失的,您也应当一并赔偿。- v$ r) `1 o2 ]" ^6 A
$ n5 l" x0 v: e+ Y. @% m
: w. q. q9 l l- ~3 _9 ^. Y8 E 13.1您在使用本服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果您的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,您应当为此独立承担责任。# g3 O% [" a: U2 ^9 z1 w# _
13.2您应避免因使用本服务而使美国同城卷入政治和公共事件,否则美国同城有权暂停或终止对您的服务。: h& C$ ^5 }# J" @" R
; l& N1 F6 G' h) q. q
' Q* \7 D9 Q+ j; C2 C 14.1您通过本服务发送或传播的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)均由您自行承担责任。
1 u" O: r( R3 l& l x! v 14.2您发送或传播的内容应有合法来源,相关内容为您所有或您已获得权利人的授权。: O- ]2 D& B& W: f
14.3您同意美国同城可为履行本协议或提供本服务的目的而使用您发送或传播的内容。# A+ a/ ~ H! d7 D3 Q# Y# R
+ x4 q9 P; c! Y _/ F 14.5您使用本服务时不得违反国家法律法规、侵害他人合法权益。您理解并同意,如您被他人投诉侵权或您投诉他人侵权,美国同城有权将争议中相关方的主体、联系方式、投诉相关内容等必要信息提供给其他争议方或相关部门,以便及时解决投诉纠纷,保护他人合法权益。* I5 ?& |& J) z% q) T; o4 R1 g- j0 `( p
2 {, C; k4 r l/ a 十五、【不可抗力及其他免责事由】
& H, d M0 S" x7 y7 { 15.1您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。出现上述情况时,美国同城将努力在第一时间与相关单位配合,及时进行修复,但是由此给您造成的损失美国同城在法律允许的范围内免责。
% ?; w4 w% r: m& |, a5 t7 B* K 15.2在法律允许的范围内,美国同城对以下情形导致的服务中断或受阻不承担责任:
' a' s! ~4 v4 w8 D2 @, r2 [1 m2 { (1)受到计算机病毒、木马或其他恶意程序、黑客攻击的破坏;
8 R# x" ?7 ?+ y. D( ]& Y; d (2)用户或美国同城的电脑软件、系统、硬件和通信线路出现故障;
6 N8 {$ z; ]7 E; a) t (3)用户操作不当;+ F. G. L& c$ q" o9 x: |
+ b: C3 _( W6 j& V (5)其他美国同城无法控制或合理预见的情形。4 b9 T$ n% b, v" H
15.3您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户行为带来的风险,美国同城不对任何信息的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对因侵权行为给您造成的损害负责。这些风险包括但不限于:# I4 V; o, d/ R2 S1 L
(1)来自他人匿名或冒名的含有威胁、诽谤、令人反感或非法内容的信息;* n, @2 V: s. t! [% ?$ @/ t/ I( u
(2)因使用本协议项下的服务,遭受他人误导、欺骗或其他导致或可能导致的任何心理、生理上的伤害以及经济上的损失;: g$ Z( |2 i9 O3 j& Q1 O! o: C
; U9 {. F4 W' T2 f6 r 15.4您理解并同意,本服务并非为某些特定目的而设计,包括但不限于核设施、军事用途、医疗设施、交通通讯等重要领域。如果因为软件或服务的原因导致上述操作失败而带来的人员伤亡、财产损失和环境破坏等,美国同城不承担法律责任。
+ e. Q( e' l4 w x6 A 15.5美国同城依据本协议约定获得处理违法违规内容的权利,该权利不构成美国同城的义务或承诺,美国同城不能保证及时发现违法行为或进行相应处理。
( i5 Z: G$ U1 R3 h6 l 15.6在任何情况下,您不应轻信借款、索要密码或其他涉及财产的网络信息。涉及财产操作的,请一定先核实对方身份,并请经常留意美国同城有关防范诈骗犯罪的提示。
0 S: s. ]+ B8 X, r! d- h+ P% Z3 R5 u4 d: K t
. A6 s; I/ [1 b# ~0 |* m) Q 16.1您使用美国同城的服务即视为您已阅读本协议并接受本协议的约束。
3 g' \; q$ ]4 `# O/ R( v 16.2美国同城有权在必要时修改本协议条款。您可以在相关服务页面查阅最新版本的协议条款。
5 H2 z% U5 u# K0 W* Q% [" z 16.3本协议条款变更后,如果您继续使用美国同城提供的软件或服务,即视为您已接受修改后的协议。如果您不接受修改后的协议,应当停止使用美国同城提供的软件或服务。% p: l9 N# u' `
: z& P- |+ {+ k- E' q/ D十七、【服务的变更、中断、终止】
% L1 H( a2 ], P; O# ]. I 17.1美国同城可能会对服务内容进行变更,也可能会中断、中止或终止服务。: o5 [! F/ w! w* G8 W
17.2您理解并同意,美国同城有权自主决定经营策略。在美国同城发生合并、分立、收购、资产转让时,美国同城可向第三方转让本服务下相关资产;美国同城也可在单方通知您后,将本协议下部分或全部服务转交由第三方运营或履行。具体受让主体以美国同城通知的为准。( {/ v+ h+ Y. J( D
17.3如发生下列任何一种情形,美国同城有权不经通知而中断或终止向您提供的服务:& C( a, y* P& n& L
/ `# X8 @. M3 v5 }; E: K! e (2)您违反相关法律法规或本协议的约定;; w0 l3 j3 P& B
(3)按照法律规定或主管部门的要求;8 u5 S# {& p; d) A/ l( E
$ P3 z) c" R$ V2 a ~& f 17.4美国同城有权按本协议8.2条的约定进行收费。若您未按时足额付费,美国同城有权中断、中止或终止提供服务。; n* B- X( n6 H8 r; ~" q
17.5您有责任自行备份存储在本服务中的数据。如果您的服务被终止,美国同城可以从服务器上永久地删除您的数据,但法律法规另有规定的除外。服务终止后,美国同城没有义务向您返还数据。2 H; S. z, V" }: O
1 M( n* G. W2 f2 f$ `" K
5 q1 ` |6 C# `8 C7 @ v0 K 18.1本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律与美国法律(不包括冲突法)。. ]- {$ |! v8 g, h& m
+ @" k: D( F+ e( f/ |2 T" t 18.3若您和美国同城之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交本协议签订地(即中国福建省福州市)有管辖权的人民法院管辖。
@' q. ~0 x2 s$ ]. p% u 18.4本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
! h: o# m6 t; Z; l/ h 18.5本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。
4 m; N# p% v( d* j0 r% D2 o4 S( d% K$ t2 k+ Y L) _ _+ Y) ?8 @0 ?
十九、【未成年人使用条款】) w; D4 U# W1 a
19.1若用户未满18周岁,则为未成年人,应在监护人监护、指导下阅读本协议和使用本服务。% h Z9 I' r& b4 ?3 S7 Z
19.2未成年人用户涉世未深,容易被网络虚象迷惑,且好奇心强,遇事缺乏随机应变的处理能力,很容易被别有用心的人利用而又缺乏自我保护能力。因此,未成年人用户在使用本服务时应注意以下事项,提高安全意识,加强自我保护:1 _' C) v8 O3 G5 P- p- v+ f1 q
(1)认清网络世界与现实世界的区别,避免沉迷于网络,影响日常的学习生活;3 s* q* O" O. i9 b9 Y$ r1 S
7 e3 m5 y6 P& ^' e/ V (3)在监护人或老师的指导下,学习正确使用网络;
7 x- W( Q; F0 e! d" d (4)避免陌生网友随意会面或参与联谊活动,以免不法分子有机可乘,危及自身安全。
0 T g/ P9 C) G 19.3监护人、学校均应对未成年人使用本服务时多做引导。特别是家长应关心子女的成长,注意与子女的沟通,指导子女上网应该注意的安全问题,防患于未然。4 [: _0 T: S: b" l9 D
$ O; o" I7 k$ _6 _8 c- T$ T* m
二十、【其他】- A% }: [9 w* {$ T% v3 l' R6 S+ M
如果您对本协议或本服务有意见或建议,可与美国同城客户服务部门联系(www.nycqbz.com),我们会给予您必要的帮助。- z( k/ T6 y5 u
如果你不同意以上条款请勿使用本站一切功能。 ) B& M+ r1 I/ d1 x
You are welcome to use and sign up for a city forum in the United States
* C/ M7 X# I, ~' c7 |+ [You should read and comply with the US Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") and the "American User Rules" in order to use all services in the United States and the Forum. Please be careful to read and understand the terms of each clause, in particular the terms of the exemption or limitation of liability, the terms of jurisdiction and the applicable law, and the separate agreement to open or use a service. Restrictions, disclaimers may be highlighted in bold or underlined form. You have no right to use the services provided by the United States of America unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this Agreement. Your use of the services of the United States is deemed to have been read and agreed by the above agreement.
$ k5 }; h, l$ j/ OIf you are under 18 years of age, please read this agreement with the legal guardian and pay special attention to the terms of use of minors.
- o9 O0 {. T k# I F8 m User statement and commitment/ K. y4 j0 n2 t
User agrees and undertakes to comply with US federal and state regulations and all international practices that use the Internet. If you use the Service outside of the United States and agree to comply with the laws and regulations of your country or region, you may not use the Service for infringement or infringement And to ensure that the US city and all management team members (collectively, "protected") are protected from any legal liability arising from your user name or third party use of your username.
# n2 V, ?6 f: _% _0 P I+ L- DYou are solely responsible for your submission. Although the intelligence station will not and will not be able to check all your submissions and will not be responsible for the content of such information, the information station reserves the right to delete, remove or edit an adulterous, defamatory, obscene, Infringement of privacy, breach of copyright or trademark law or other unacceptable submission of content.
& H2 K! Y% b- O: k0 }The information station does not represent or support the accuracy or credibility of any views, opinions, statements or other information displayed, uploaded or posted by any user, information provider, or any other person or entity through a service. You are fully aware that you will be responsible for any risks arising from any such views, opinions, statements, abstracts or information.$ ~3 w& l3 d5 I. D& a9 y# k
This service includes links to other relevant affiliate sites, resources, and articles. We do not accept responsibility for the availability or content of these external resources. Please submit any questions about any external links to the site's webmaster or webmaster.
- C% M; o0 L) G' ?4 @First, the scope of the agreement
, I+ G9 e5 ?. s- s- t) y1.1 This Agreement is an agreement between you and the US city regarding the use of US city-related services. "US city" refers to the US city companies and their related services may exist in the operation of the associated units. "User" means a user who uses a US city-related service and is referred to as "you" in this Agreement., m/ K* z- {$ W6 o
1.2 Services under this Agreement refer to products and services provided by users in the United States, including but not limited to instant messaging, online media, Internet value added, interactive entertainment, e-commerce and advertising (the "Service").8 R' v4 i" Q, i3 S$ h% ]2 S
1.3 The contents of this Agreement are also included/ n& }- k5 d9 y
And you may use a separate agreement, related business rules, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "separate agreement") when you use a specific service in the United States. The above information, once officially released, is an integral part of this Agreement, you should also comply. Your acceptance of any of the foregoing business rules and separate agreements is deemed to be all acceptance of this Agreement.1 @; o8 m% ?* i2 E8 _) {3 y$ s
2 M5 @; Q# ?( X$ \# sSecond, the account and password security L7 G$ ~5 J8 g/ j% T( I" ]
2.1 You may need to sign up for an account when using a US service. For specific rules on how to use your account, please follow the US city number rules and separate agreements.: }; j0 a: y, o" E
2.2 US cities remind you that you should keep your account and password. When you use it, you should exit safely. You may not be able to bear the risk of theft or password theft.
7 z0 J; w! r4 ~6 v4 |$ q P- H4 o: H) N+ x0 \
Third, the user personal information protection! ~, B; g% j2 _( z" y7 P* ` q' F
3.1 Protecting Personal Information is a basic principle of the United States. US cities will collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. The contents of this Agreement on the protection of personal information and the contents of the "privacy policy" in conflict, and this agreement on personal information protection related content is not clearly defined, should be "privacy policy" content shall prevail. r0 K6 c0 t& K$ B6 l$ K3 ^
3.2 You may need to fill in some necessary information when you register your account or use the service. If the national laws and regulations have special provisions, you need to fill out the real identity information. If you fill in the information is not complete, you can not use the service or in the process of being restricted.
; c$ g( ~( d: u( `' P* j% M( F3.3 In general, you may browse and modify your own information at any time, but you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided at the time of registration for security and identification (eg number complaint service).
A3 S8 k9 ]8 @# R, M9 {3.4 US cities will use a variety of security technologies and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information, so as to avoid unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
4 z; c3 t h3 x2 C/ t) q3.5 US Cities will not transfer or disclose your personal information to any non-affiliated third party unless:) t9 ] k1 W2 Z* J
(1) the relevant laws and regulations or courts, government agencies;, j* |' h6 ]0 \; A7 N
(2) for the purpose of completing the merger, division, acquisition or transfer of assets;) q' ~1 |% s( a* t* V, s+ ]
(3) necessary to provide the services you require.
- j/ t1 |$ \( Y9 j8 C( B3.6 The United States attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under 18 years of age, you should obtain prior written consent from your parent or legal guardian (hereinafter referred to as "guardian") before using US city service.
# F( g. l& o! G1 }# z" X3 r 3.7 The information station attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data and privacy, does not arbitrarily modify the membership information or information stored in the information station, unless the user involved in the law, infringement or violation of these rules, in some special circumstances , The information station may provide information such as your information or IP address to a third party, including:
( X) E. b! Y) E# H( JA. in an emergency, in order to safeguard the interests of users and the public;
& j! C# y2 k3 Z5 r& @+ nB. Court of the written notice, the police handling the case needs, FBI and other law enforcement agencies.' T) |! M. ~1 `) I, Y
C. safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of intelligence stations.
$ s5 w$ f3 i- F
, U7 d$ C' h: q7 M4 G yFourth, the use of the service5 k! q) M% q6 n$ {7 @" [7 m
4.1 Unless you agree otherwise with the US city, you agree that the Service is for your personal, non-commercial use only.+ G1 _- I5 F9 X+ M/ }; Z8 i
4.2 You should use the Service in a manner provided or approved by the United States. Your rights under the terms of this Agreement are not transferable.
* p; @6 H! I1 r2 y% [( K$ W/ }4.3 You may not use any plug-in, plug-in, or third-party tool authorized by the United States to interfere with, disrupt, modify, or impose other effects on services under this Agreement.
9 {* i0 Z* z) x' ?' l+ W
3 z% a+ w$ y1 V% u- o( LFive, according to the status quo to provide services- J' r4 Y& L% w8 I& e
You understand and agree that the services of the United States are provided in accordance with the current state of the art and conditions. You will not be able to anticipate and prevent legal, technical, and other risks at any time, including but not limited to force majeure, viruses, Trojans, hacker attacks, systems, and so on. Stability, third-party service flaws, government actions and other reasons may lead to service interruption, data loss and other losses and risks.( B* g; H! t8 [
: K2 ^+ x8 i* C: |( Q
Six 【own equipment】
7 ], ^9 K" q% n6.1 You should understand that your use of US city services is required to prepare the terminal equipment (such as computers, modems, etc.) related to the service and bear the required fees (such as telephone charges, Internet charges and other expenses).
: i0 \& _. x% X% i& P' _0 \" W6.2 You understand and agree that your use of the Service will consume resources such as your terminal equipment and bandwidth.2 [! \) T! [/ a" j
# w8 s. V1 N- w2 |" {, h
Seven ads
# A h* W+ c1 y5 B! `+ t, e7.1 You agree that US Cities may send advertisements, promotions or promotions (including commercial and non-commercial information) on their own or by third-party advertisers in the course of providing the Services, and the manner and scope of which may be changed without notice to you.
. v; V& [' O: t! ~1 i7.2 US Cities may provide you with the option to turn off advertising information, but at any time you will not be able to shield and filter advertising information in a manner that is not expressly agreed in this Agreement or is not approved in the United States., N% j1 o2 a+ C/ b8 ]1 A
7.3 The United States City in accordance with the provisions of the law to fulfill the relevant obligations of advertisers, you should judge the authenticity of advertising information and responsible for their own judgments, in addition to the law clearly defined, you by the advertising information transactions or the aforementioned advertisers Provided by the contents of the loss or damage suffered, the United States does not assume responsibility for the city.7 y g0 z$ v$ q# D
7.4 You agree that you should be careful about the authenticity and reliability of advertising information that appears in the US service. You should be responsible for transactions subject to the advertising information, except as expressly provided by law.2 s. r0 g1 R) W
. y* `) R2 @! b( V7 [' ~7 ]
Eight charges service9 D; ~2 L, M2 F$ k# Y
8.1 Some of the services in the United States are provided on a fee basis. If you are using a fee service, please follow the relevant agreement.3 x& Q6 o3 \: u( l# q! r
8.2 US cities may be based on the actual needs of the charging service fees, methods to modify and change the US city may also be part of the free service to start charging. Before making the changes, changes or starting charges, the US city will be notified or posted on the corresponding service page. If you do not agree with the above changes, changes or paid content, you should stop using the service.
. P" m) v0 q9 Y: g; Y: j
+ V0 H/ s5 W$ k/ K' h9. The products or services provided by the third party; V; `* r; j1 B
In the event that you use the products or services provided by a third party on the US platform, you are also subject to the third party's user agreement, except as agreed by this Agreement. US cities and third parties are liable for possible disputes within the limits of the law and the terms of the agreement." U# H2 Z3 S) z; @
) e9 |" ]: B, s( Y+ I- c* f10. [Software-based services]2 c$ U" X8 H2 L0 b/ B
% e; @1 d5 Y0 {9 |7 j8 I n+ ^If the United States relies on "software" to provide you with services, you should also comply with the following agreement:
! L; {1 u) _$ ?1 S10.1 You may need to download the Software during the use of the Service, and for the Software, the United States of America will give you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license. You may only use the Software for the purpose of accessing or using the Service.
' E s# G, A# K( }& o$ A10.2 In order to improve the user experience, to ensure the safety of services and product functionality consistency, the United States may update the software. You should update the relevant software to the latest version, otherwise the United States does not guarantee that the city can be used normally.5 I r* c9 C' J& k. d7 l a; S9 U
u! V3 l r) i2 a
10.3 US cities may develop different software versions for different terminal devices, and you should choose to download the appropriate version for installation according to the actual situation. You can obtain software directly from a US city website or from a third party authorized by the US city. If you have access to the software from a third party authorized by the US city or the same installation program as the software name, the US city can not guarantee that the software will work properly and will not be responsible for any damage caused to you.
, K5 s; O3 {8 V, g0 y# u" ^
- t: m6 M9 k; o) W& W/ O10.4 You may not engage in any of the following acts unless permitted in writing by the United States of America:$ N1 K. L# P9 z7 i0 m( A% a/ q
(1) delete the software and its copy of the information on the copyright;
% T, T. q* N2 ^) N6 [(2) reverse engineer the software, reverse assembly, reverse compile, or otherwise try to find the source code of the software;8 B3 U: J( I k5 U- B v' v
(3) to use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reproduce, compile, publish, publish, establish a mirror site for the contents of intellectual property rights in the United States;, g" s8 b% b9 Y8 j6 B1 I, Q
(4) the software or software running during the release of any data in the terminal memory, the software running the client and server-side interactive data, as well as the software necessary to run the system data, copy, modify, add, delete Any derivative works, including but not limited to the use of plug-ins, plug-ins or third-party tools / services access software and related systems not authorized by the US city;
8 f+ e0 H* V- D6 C(5) by modifying or forging the instructions, data, additions, deletions, changes in the functions or operating effects of the software, or the use of the software, methods used for the purposes described above, or to the public, whether or not such acts are Commercial purpose
G8 }$ u) A* z(6) through non-US city development, authorized third-party software, plug-ins, plug-in, system, login or use the US city software and services, or production, publishing, dissemination of non-US city development, authorized third-party software, ,system.6 @# |9 t1 ~9 y: H+ T
/ S8 C0 T+ \$ I* r, g: \11. [Statement of Intellectual Property]
0 O+ y7 l( g% l9 p9 V5 V9 G11.1 The intellectual property of the content provided by the United States in this service (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, audio, video, graphics, etc.) owned by the US city, the user's use of the content generated in this service User or associated owner. D6 a0 f, f+ {" [6 Q, k9 K9 s ]
11.2 Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights and other intellectual property rights of the software on which the Service is provided by the US city is owned by the United States.+ V' j7 ^4 l- t1 D: L
11.3 US city in the service used in the "American city", "NYCQBZ" and icons and other business logo, its copyright or trademark owned by the United States owned., N+ d# X2 d; s5 N; E; G( D& o, n
11.4 The intellectual property rights of the above and any other contents of this service are protected by law and no person may use or create derivative works in any form without the prior written permission of the United States, the user or the relevant owner.
, E* |0 U0 ]7 P8 k. j" @6 g9 }" F# y
Twelve, [user violations]
/ ]1 O( a( }# f$ g* M& a$ a12.1 You are required to comply with laws and regulations in the use of the Service and may not use the Service to engage in illegal acts, including but not limited to:$ d6 N1 P7 L; u$ ~6 J. S7 c. ~
(1) to publish, transmit, transmit, store and endanger the national security and unity, undermine social stability, violation of public order and good practices, insult, defamation, obscenity, violence and any violation of national laws and regulations; l, j' b2 ^& {& W) O
(2) to publish, transmit, disseminate, store infringement of intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights of the content;$ M, j* |! r! V T; E4 W
(3) malicious fictional facts, to conceal the truth to mislead, deceive others;% o8 U9 G1 x' e- I9 j
(4) publish, transmit, disseminate advertising information and spam;1 ~0 _ o( r" W" h- f# V
(5) acts prohibited by other laws and regulations.; c2 n% I3 c3 p2 P0 _1 K( d
12.2 If you violate this agreement, the relevant state authority or agency may sue you for a fine, or take other sanctions, and ask the United States to give assistance. Cause damage, you should be compensated according to law, the United States do not assume any responsibility for the city.
- ^. q. @% ?9 x W/ @/ r12.3 If the United States city found or received other people to report your published information in violation of this agreement, the US city has the right to conduct independent judgments and take technical means to delete, block or disconnect the link. At the same time, the United States has the right to act as the user's behavior, including but not limited to suspend or terminate the service, limit, freeze or terminate the forum account use, accountability and other measures.3 c8 e" [9 Z- T6 k9 t) f' y# g
12.4 You are in breach of this Agreement, resulting in any third party damage, you should be independent of the responsibility; the United States suffered a loss of the city, you should also be compensated.
0 T9 \/ H; ?/ J9 S& k) r$ r$ _. V. R) a1 i+ S
Thirteen [compliance with local legal supervision]
6 Q: |; R* }% i2 k. k' P! ?" e13.1 You should abide by local laws and regulations in the course of using this service and respect local ethics and customs. If your conduct violates local laws, regulations, or ethical customs, you should be held accountable for this purpose., ~, Q1 t1 y5 I8 j
13.2 You should avoid making US cities involved in political and public events due to the use of the Service, or the US city has the right to suspend or terminate your service.
- k; A6 y# F. Y( e* ]" I1 w/ q: U/ V& A2 W7 C8 O V5 B) W+ {" L6 f
Fourteen, [user to send, spread the content and third-party complaint handling]: v- ^$ p' \8 {+ k
14.1 You are solely responsible for the content (including but not limited to web pages, text, images, audio, video, graphics, etc.) that you send or distribute through the Service.
) @! s- M( a0 @# J0 v14.2 You should send or distribute content
- H5 V8 D& Q$ P% H, s9 r$ o
4 @2 g3 Z( g6 T0 y6 D% n! j9 C4 d3 t |