

2018-01-21阅读 214 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注



英国首相特雷莎·梅与欧盟的脱欧谈判(Brexit negotiation)进展可谓一波三折。随着英国脱欧进程的推进,未来与欧盟的贸易关系仍不明朗,因此,对英国而言,当前最迫切的问题是如何吸引中国投资,和中国保持稳固的贸易关系。


Theresa May will embark on a long-delayed visit to China this month in a bid to promote her vision of a "global Britain" whose economy is strongly placed to succeed after Brexit.



2016年双边贸易额达到了744亿美元。去年1 - 8月,英国对华出口增长13.2%,中国仍是英国增长最快的出口市场。



The forum, hosted by the business association China Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom, was attended by around 200 government representatives and business leaders. It focused on explore new areas for China-UK cooperation within the context of a post-Brexit market and within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

此次论坛由英国中国商会主持,活动吸引了200多位中英政商界精英参与。论坛主题涉及两大议题:“一带一路”契机下,中英经贸合作发展策略及商业模式以及脱欧背景下,中英企业如何把握机遇、应对挑战、开拓新领域 。

“China and the UK have huge potential and promising future in Belt and Road collaboration. It is my hope that both Chinese and British businesses will step up cooperation and work together to explore third markets along the Belt and Road,” said Liu Xiaoming, Chinese ambassador to the UK.


First proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013, the Belt and Road initiative aims to improve connectivity between Asia and Europe through infrastructure investment.


To turn bilateral Belt and Road collaboration potential to results, Liu offered three suggestions for Chinese and British businesses: firstly, to align business collaboration with the two countries’ development strengths; secondly to explore collaboration opportunities in higher value-added sectors, and thirdly to build tri-party collaboration hence creating win-win results beyond China and the UK.

为了帮助两国企业落实一带一路合作商机,刘大使对两国企业提出了三点建议:第一,企业应结合两国发展优势展开合作;第二,应探索提高在高附加值产业的合作机会;第三 ,构建中国英国及第三方国家的合作以达到双赢结果。

The British government is a staunch supporter of the initiative. “London is the natural Western end to the Belt and Road,” said Charles Bowman, lord mayor of the City of London.


“In London we have the knowledge as well as highly liquid debt and equity capital markets, with a large global investor base. This makes us an important partner for China,” said Bowman.


Last year the City of London led the creation of a Green Belt and Road Investor Alliance to encourage funding into environmentally friendly projects along the Belt and Road. This year it will also lead the hosting of a Belt and Road forum in London.


In January, just ahead of the visit to China of Liam Fox, Britain’s international trade secretary, the British government announced 25 billion pounds of funding to support the initiative.


Meanwhile, private sector businesses are already banking on opportunities. In 2017, China’s Yiwu Timex Industrial Investment launched the first direct freight train from Yiwu to London, running through the Belt and Road countries. In 2017 also, ICBC Standard Bank launched a Belt and Road index to help investors monitor opportunities in the Belt and Road’s 65 countries.


Jinny Yan, chief China economist of ICBC Standard Bank, said the UK’s offerings for the Belt and Road countries can be summarized by four “E”s: Efficiencyexpertise,experience, education.

工银标准银行首席中国经济学家Jinny Yan指出,英国能为一带一路带来的贡献可以用四个“E”来概括:效率(Efficiency),专业(Expertise),经验(Experience),教育(Education)。

“All those means the UK will play a huge role in the Belt and Road countries, not just in terms of trade, and capital flows but also people to people flows.


Sun Yu, chairman of CCCUK, said discussions at Thursday’s forum is helpful in turning the concept of Belt and Road collaboration into implementation. “I see huge potential, the industry is smart and creative enough to find solutions,” said Sun.    


He sees the role of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the UK as being a “golden bridge in the golden era”.


Jeff Cao, Head of Asia Pacific at London & Partners, the Mayor of London's international promotional agency, said the UK’s deep engagement in Belt and Road projects crucially contributes to realizing President Xi’s vision for the initiative to become an international win-win cooperation.

伦敦发展促进署亚太区总监Jeff cao指出,英国企业在一带一路项目中的积极参与也是帮助中国实现习主席关于一带一路国家发展互利共赢的目标。

The forum also facilitated insightful discussions on bilateral collaboration in the post-Brexit context, with experts commenting that Britain has increased opportunity and urgency to collaborate with China and other Belt and Road countries, in order to maintain its global competitiveness.

该论坛还促成了在英国脱欧之后有关双边合作方面的富有远见的讨论,专家们认为, 英国增加了与中国和其他一带一路国家合作的机会和紧迫感以保持其全球竞争力。




去年5月,英国财政大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond),在中国参加“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛时更是公开发言表示:“英国是中国一带一路计划的天然合作伙伴”




Despite Brexit, Chinese investment in the UK has grown. Chinese foreign direct investment into the United Kingdom more than doubled in one year – from $9.2 billion in 2016 to $20.8 billion in 2017, according to recently released statistics. China's FDI into the UK grew six-foldduring the past four years – from $3.2 billion in 2013.


This trend supported by comments from individual businesses. One example is the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, which made a significant commitment in 2012 to invest an additional 1.3 billion pounds in the UK, which it confirmed in June 2016 in the wake of the Brexit announcement.


Gordon Luo, CEO of Huawei UK and Ireland, said the UK government’s strategy to strengthen the country’s digital economy and the UK’s economy’s inherent innovation strengths are significant factors supporting Huawei’s continued commitment to the UK market.


Currently Huawei conducts significant research and development work in the UK. For example, it is collaborating with the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Center on research and development on 5th generation mobile networks, which determines future communications trends.  


Kerry Brown, a professor of Chinese studies at King's College London, and director of its Lau China Institute, agreed that the UK will remain attractive for Chinese investments in the future, particularly due to its liberal investment environment, its leading financial center strength, and its capacity to build international partnerships.


“It has a good narrative but needs more promotion. Currently everyone is fighting for China’s attention, and the UK needs to engage further,” said Brown.








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