

2017-12-21阅读 1375 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注

日本料理人石原仁司在NHK拍摄的《职业人的作风》里说,“充分利用时令食材,更能让客人品味到季节的味道,每个人都会有关于味道的机记忆吧,在也许是嗅觉,也许是味觉,这些都能赋予料理更深刻的内容。” 关于日本食物味道的描述,在许多经典的电影里都有描写,《海街日记》里,三姐妹在每年初夏梅子成熟时,便会采摘青梅酿造梅酒。到了秋天,是秋刀鱼最肥美的季节,将新鲜的秋刀鱼,连同内脏一起烤制成盐烧秋刀鱼,就是小津安二郎电影里展现的“甜蜜与苦涩交织的波澜不惊”的生活真味。


Kyoshun: Superb enough for your personal list of cuisine


Where can you eat the most authentic, exquisite Japanese dishes? Located on the first floor of Baifuyi Hotel Beijing, Kyoshun might just be the place. The reason for that is at the newly opened Japanese restaurant, there is always a feeling of seclusion, with its soothing environment and absence of noise. Meanwhile, Oyang Siping, chief chef of Kyoshun, persists with his cooking philosophy: Never eat foods that are not in the right season; cook foods in accordance with their texture and nature. At a summer media buffet dinner, Kyoshun launched a special kaiseki called minaduki. Japan’s rainy season begins in June, and it rains almost every day. This is why the kaiseki was named minaduki. Such delicacy combinations as Mountain, River and Ocean cooked by Kyoshun with seafood from Nagasaki, Japan, present an interwoven medley of dishes in pottery. Servers from Japan will bring diners a fabulous experience with their thoughtful, careful and nearly-perfect service. In other words, diners can enjoy first-rate Japanese cuisine of high quality without personally traveling to Kyoto. 


With snow falling and the north wind starting to blow, you can experience the change of seasons through Japanese cuisine. Kyoshun has its own specialty recommendations on the menu. For instance, Kyoshun believes the best tuna to eat is the tuna from Tsugaru Strait. Born in the warm south, the fish stock up delicious fat along the way up the strait between spring and summer. Abalone is a staple ingredient in Japanese cuisine; no Japanese meal is complete without a dish of fat, tender abalone steamed in wine. The serving is sufficient. Take a bite and the satisfying taste winds through your mouth.


Crocodile icefish with lemon in hot-plate


The crocodile icefish grows in the un-polluted deep sea, where the temperature is below 0 C, and feeds mainly on Antarctic shrimp. High in fat, calcium and nutrition, the crocodile icefish is highly recommended in both fall and winter seasons.



Just as Maruko's grandpa said in the Japanese TV animation Chi bi Maruko, "I crave sea urchin so much but end up eating mackerel accompanied by vinegar." To many people, mackerel seems to be a typical symbol of cheap food. In fact, whether it's in Japanese history or contemporary Japan, mackerel’s standing and price have been in a state of flux. Mackerel can serve as either comfort food on the dining tables of ordinary people, or an important ingredient for sophisticated cuisine. 



Peony shrimp sashimi


Kyoshun now serves its food in the form of Tabehoudai, or Japanese buffet. To meet the high standards of customers expecting an unforgettable experience with the food itself, Kyoshun doesn't prepare its dishes in a batch and serve them all together. Dishes are prepared on-demand and served to tables in order. This way, customers can enjoy a big meal just like an ordinary buffet experience the elegance of Japanese cuisine at the same time.


The peony shrimp sashimi Kyoshun puts out is very impressive. The smooth texture of peony shrimp tastes like a sweet dreamy orchestra in your mouth, allowing you to savor the essence of the king of shrimp. Other sashimi dishes accompanying peony shrimp sashimi include salmon, tuna, sea urchin and arctic shellfish. These leave diners a feeling of luxury.



French goose liver in hot-plate


This French goose liver, or foie gras, in hot-plate is a must. Europeans rate goose liver, caviar and truffle as the world's top three delicacies. Seared in the traditional way, Kyoshun's foie gras thrills your taste buds using simple seasoning and wine sauce. From just one bite, your entire mouth becomes smitten with the juice and its flavor.



Steamed Moray with black caviar in teacup


Moray is deliciously fat in fall, and carries benefits like improving body weakness, moistening the lungs and relieving rheumatic pains, while black caviar is thick in taste and subtle in flavor. The two make a perfect combination.


Sunny fresh abalone with abalone liver sauce


The cooking time for this dish is usually over 3 hours. It takes that long to transform the collagen protein into jelly, to offer a completely different texture of tenderness.


Something worth mentioning is Kyoshun has launched a “winter nourishing season” special group offer for tabehoudai, or “all-you-can-eat”. You will get good discounts when purchasing the group offer on or During the promotional period, which runs from early December to April 1, the group price for lunch changes to 198 yuan per person, down from the regular price of 298 per person; the group price for dinner changes to 368 yuan per person from 398 per person. The seasonal discounted prices are a good opportunity to give Kyoshun a try.


Kyoshun says, "The endless pursuit of perfection is the way we survive. Kyoshun hopes its exquisite and personal Japanese cuisine will leave you beautiful memories of fall flavor."


Kyoshun's plum wine should not be missed, either. After four to five months' time, the sour taste of green plums gradually seeps into the liquor. You will get a feeling of "time flies, and summer has long gone" when you drink it with a friend.






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