

2018-03-10阅读 128 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注

3月9日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院两份工作报告(work reports on the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate  ['prɔkjuə,reitərit])新鲜出炉!



Supreme People's Court work report

WORK IN 2013-2017



The Supreme People's Court (SPC) heard about 82,383 cases and closed about 79,692 ones, up 60.6 percent and 58.8 percent over the previous five-year period respectively.


Local courts nationwide heard about 88.97 million cases and closed 85.98 million ones, up 58.6 percent and 55.6 percent over the previous five years respectively.


A total of 6.07 million suspects were convicted in the first trials of 5.49 million criminal cases.


A total of 195,000 graft cases including bribery and embezzlement were concluded, involing 101 officials at and above ministerial level.


A total of 42,000 criminal cases including offenses related to food and drug safety were concluded.


Chinese courts reopened trials of 6,747 criminal cases and rectified the sentences.


A total of 2,943 suspects prosecuted by the state were acquited.


A total of 31,527 convicts were granted amnesty.


Chinese courts tried 683,000 cases of intellectual property rights.


Chinese courts heard 1,383 public interest litigation cases for environmental damage lodged by prosecutors, and another 252 such cases filed by non-governmental organizations.

✩ 广大干警不辞辛劳,无私奉献,85名法官积劳成疾或遭受暴力伤害因公牺牲。

A total of 85 judges died of fatigue or assaults on duty.


The SPC punished its 53 staff members for violating Party disciplinary rules and law.


A total of 3,338 staff members at local courts nationwide were caught misusing their power, 531 of whom were prosecuted.

✩ 以零容忍态度坚决惩治司法腐败。对1762名履职不力的法院领导干部严肃问责。

A total of 1,762 leading officials of courts were held accountable for poor leadership.



❶ 深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。在全国法院开展全员轮训,持续深入学习党的十九大精神,在学懂弄通做实上下功夫。

The SPC will launch a large-scale education campaign of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the spirit of the 19th Communist Party of China National Congress.


The SPC will step up crackdown upon infiltrative, subversive and separatist activities, terrorism, organized crimes, porns, gambling, drugs, human trafficking, pyramid schemes, illegal fundraising, and graft.

❸ 依法审理经济领域各类案件,为经济高质量发展营造良好法治环境。

The SPC will create a better legal environment for economic development and enhance protection of property rights.


The SPC will provide better judicial service for ordinary people, respect lawyers' right to exercise their duties, and make sure the execution of court orders.

❺ 深化司法体制改革,完善中国特色社会主义司法制度。

The SPC will continue pushing forward judicial reforms.

❻ 持续深化司法公开,加快建设智慧法院。

The SPC will further enhance transparency of court proceedings and legal documents.


The SPC will discipline judges and court staff more strictly and uphold a zero tolerance policy on corruption.


Supreme People's Procuratorate work report

WORK IN 2013-2017


✩ 全国检察机关共批捕各类刑事犯罪嫌疑人453.1万人,较前五年下降3.4%;起诉717.3万人,较前五年上升19.2%。

Approved the arrest of 4.53 million criminal suspects and prosecuted 7.17 million criminal suspects, down 3.4 percent and up 19.2 percent respectively from the previous five years

✩ 共起诉故意杀人、绑架、放火等严重暴力犯罪40.5万人。

Prosecuted 405,000 for serious violent crimes including homicide, kidnapping and arson;

✩ 两年来共起诉电信网络诈骗犯罪5.1万人

Prosecuted 51,000 involving in major cases of telecom and cyberspace fraud since 2016;

✩ 2016年以来共起诉侵害在校学生的暴力犯罪1万余人。

Prosecuted over 10,000 for violent crimes related to infringement of students' right since 2016;

✩ 起诉破坏金融管理秩序、金融诈骗犯罪14.4万人,是前五年的2.2倍。

Prosecuted 144,000 for sabotaging financial management order and financial fraud, 2.2 times of the figure in the previous five years;

✩ 突出惩治非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗、传销等涉众型经济犯罪,起诉8.2万人。

Prosecuted 82,000 for illegal fund-raising and pyramid selling;

✩ 办理生态环境领域公益诉讼1.3万件。

Handled 13,000 cases of public interests litigation related to ecology and environment;

✩ 立案侦查职务犯罪254419人,较前五年上升16.4%,为国家挽回经济损失553亿余元。

Investigated 254,419 for work-related crimes, up 16.4 percent from the previous five years, recovering economic losses of over 55.3 billion yuan;

✩ 对周永康、孙政才、令计划、苏荣等120名原省部级以上干部立案侦查,对105名原省部级以上干部提起公诉。

Investigated 120 former officials at provincial-level or above, including Zhou Yongkang, Sun Zhengcai, Ling Jihua and Su Rong, and prosecuted 105 such officials;

✩ 已从42个国家和地区劝返、遣返、引渡外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人222人。

Helped to bring back 222 suspects of work-related crimes who had been on the run from 42 countries and regions;

✩ 对提请“减假暂”不符合法定条件或程序,以及裁定或决定不当的,监督纠正11.8万人。

Rectified mishandling in granting commutation, parole and temporary execution of sentence outside prison for 118,000 people;

✩ 立案侦查以权谋私、贪赃枉法、失职渎职的司法工作人员11560人。

Investigated 11,560 judicial staff for suspected power abuse, graft or dereliction of duty.



❶ 深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。

To deepen study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

❷ 坚决维护国家政治安全、维护社会大局稳定。

To safeguard national political security and social stability;


To ensure legal guarantee for sustainable and healthy economic and social development in the new era;

❹ 大力加强法律监督,维护国家法制统一尊严权威。

To intensify efforts on legal supervision and uphold the unity, sanctity and authority of China's legal system;


To firm up political orientation in deepening reform;


To strengthen team building for the new era and exercise strict governance on procurators ['prɒkjʊreɪtə].









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