

2018-03-08阅读 114 北美学霸君 我要关注



From  侃英语

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首先申明 ,这篇文章有点长。




这位同学叫陈梅婷,英文名是Charlotte Chen,是美国寄宿女子高中Emma Willard School 2017届毕业生,同年9月被耶鲁大学录取。Charlotte爱好文学、历史、国际关系和文化交流,擅长用有温度的文字和相机镜头记录生活。曾在校担任模拟联合国社长及文艺杂志文学版主编,并获得过国际学生英语奖。



1. 毕业于优质高中(Emma Willard School;好的中国高中也凑合)  

2. 一定的人文底蕴(爱好文学、历史、国家关系和文化交流等)

3. 高逼格的兴趣爱好(擅长用文字和相机记录生活)

4. 参与过丰富的活动(模联社长、杂志主编)

5. 英语功底要好(国际学生英语奖)






下面就是这位陈同学的英语作文,标题叫“换个角度看文化”— Seeing cultures in another way。这篇文章以小见大,从自己日常生活中的小事例出发,拓展到一个宏大的世界观,渗透了对自己、对世界的深度思考。这样风格的文章很符合美国人的胃口,可以说是一篇非常优秀的议论文。我们可以好好学学。




Charlotte Chen



One night during tea we somehow started a conversation about favorite childhood TV shows. Just as it was always the case in conversations like this, I sat quietly in the corner of the room and listened, trying hard to understand what’s going on but did not have a clue. Perhaps because I was quieter than usual that night, Gemma noticed my awkward silence, and made the group to pay its attention.




* have a clue:有线索、有想法

* awkward:尴尬的


“Let’s hear what Charlotte wants to say. She looks like she has something to share.”




“Well,” I said, “I think it is kind of difficult for me to be part of the conversation because I watched Chinese animation and TV shows when I was little. It is not because that I don’t want to speak—it is just that Chinese culture is very different from American culture.”




The group went silent for a while.




“Well, that makes sense.” A girl finally broke the silence, “But you should not lock yourself up. If you want us to learn and understand your culture, you should speak up more and share it with us.”




* make sense:有道理

* break the silence:打破沉默

* lock sb./sth. up:把某人/某事物锁起来


She was right. I was too quiet and shy to be a helpful messengerof my culture. However, even though I agreed with her suggestion, I also wanted to reject it simultaneously. It was really a strange frustration and bafflement that I could neither understand nor explain at that time.




*messenger:n. 信使

*reject:vt. 拒绝

*simultaneously:adv. 自然地

*bafflement:n. 受挫


What exactly is my culture? I asked myself.




The first answer that came to my mind was a picture of the Great Wall. Then I thought about the Tiananmen Square—the Chineseequivalent of the National Mall —and the Chinese National Flag. All of these are symbols that visually represent Chinese culture, but here’s the thing: They are relevant to me, but they are not so to someone who is unfamiliar with China. In order to engagemy audience, I need something more tangible and interesting, something that could create empathy regardless of cultural differences. That object, as I came to realize much later, is, in fact, my life.




* equivalent:n. 对等物

* relevant:adj. 有关的

* engage:adj. 吸引

* tangible:adj. 有形的、可触摸的、实在的

* empathy:n. 同感、共鸣


Through the lens of my life, I came up with some better answers. My culture can mean sitting by a round table and sharing 15 dishes with family members. It can be the voice of the anchor of the national evening news broadcast or my Red Tie that I proudly wore as a member of the Young Pioneers. It can be the mixed smell of cigarette, sweat, green onions and cup noodles in a crowded train station before and after Chinese New Year when millions of people hopped on trains to head back homes. It can be a beautiful poem written in ancient Chinese from 2,000 years ago that I recite again and again even to this day.




* lens:n.镜头

* anchor:n. 新闻节目主播

* recite:vt. 背诵

* to this day:至今


Of course, these are biased answers. However, coming from my own perspective, they are more effective to reflect something quite interesting but often subtle about China and its culture, because even though my story is only one out of 1.4 billion, it has been shaped and modeled and polished just like that of other Chinese people by the same language, the same history, the same political system, the same education and the same traditions. Culture is not a noun. Culture is a verb. It is how a specific group of people talk, think and see the world.




* biased:adj. 片面的

* model:vt. 塑造

* polish:vt. 抛光、打磨


We are living in an increasingly divided world where peace seems nowhere to be found. The prevailing cynicism andpessimism seem to confirm Samuel Huntington’s thesis that the fundamental cause of conflict in the world after the Cold War is no longer differences in ideologies but rather differences in cultures. However, why can’t we see cultures in another way? Instead of having only one worldview, we now have many different ones because of cultural exchange. Instead of having only one solution for peace, we can now look to different traditions for more inspiration. Instead of letting cultures clash, we should have them talk to each other—and we are the ones who can make such communication happen.




* divided:adj. 分裂的

* prevailing:adj. 流行的、盛行的

* cynicism:n. 犬儒主义(愤世嫉俗)

* pessimism:n. 悲观主义

* fundamental:adj. 根本的

* ideology:n. 意识形态

* clash:n. 冲突



Every single one of us on this planet has a piece of puzzleinscribed with our stories. If all of the pieces are collected and put together, we will have the picture of universal peace, love and understanding. We can choose to ignore the little piece we have and keep living in our small world, or we can make our piece count if we remain curious about the larger world, understand culture as the sum of human experiences and make an effort to learn the stories behind any argument that we might disagree with an open heart and an open mind. We are allinterconnected. Our threads of fates are interwoven.




* inscribe:vt.雕刻

* count:vi. 要紧

* sum:n. 总数

* interconnected:adj. 彼此相连的

* interwoven:adj. 交织在一起的


I am ready to contribute my piece for peace. Are you?






1. personal story(个人的故事)

2. unique perspective(独特的角度)

3. in-depth thinking(有深度的思维)

4. mainstream values(主流价值观,比如peace, love, understanding)






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