

2017-12-05阅读 2037 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注





Are you part of the post-90s generation who suffers from constant stomachache? If so, it could be a telltale sign of your midlife crisis arriving ahead of schedule. But what's the cause of these upset stomachs? And why are so many young Chinese plagued by them while still in the prime of their lives?



One reason could be the unhealthy habits that many young people tend to adopt. Major culprits include dressing inappropriately for the winter cold, staying on too long at work, skipping meals and having an uneven work-life balance. Despite generally being aware of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, for most this "philosophy" amounts to little more than pretending everything is going to be OK.

不穿秋裤、通宵加班、不按时吃饭、作息紊乱...... 这些行为是很多90后的真实写照。他们不知道什么才是真正的健康生活,他们眼里的健康是一种叫做“打一巴掌揉三揉”的生活“哲学”。

These disordered lifestyles, so often fueled by unhealthy fast food, have led to more and more young people experiencing stomach problems of varying degrees. And though they may be at least partially aware of the cause, many simply consider the pain a burden that they must bear.



Specialists say one of the main causes of stomachaches among young people is the overconsumption of greasy and spicy foods. These snacks may be tasty, but they can also dull your taste buds and even damage the lining of your stomach over time.


Smoking and drinking alcohol are other common causes of stomach disease — especially among those who feel compelled to attend countless business dinners and the like. Members of the post-90s generation also find themselves living much faster-paced lifestyles than those who came before, with longer working hours and higher stress levels leading to insomnia, overeating and indulgence in known stomach-irritants such as caffeine.


Have you ever eaten too much because you were feeling blue, only to starve yourself the next day when pangs of regret overcame you? Or had a barbecue with friends, drank too much and given yourself indigestion, then vowed to eat nothing but fruit and vegetables?


Most members of the post-90s generation know the importance of leading healthy lifestyles, but are unwilling to give up their favorite treats. Instead, they'll put wolfberries in beer, eat cucumber-flavored chips or choose red date-flavored ice cream, believing these to be the "healthier" options. After all, so long as you're "healthy" during the ordinary days, you can eat and drink as much as you like in the holidays, right?



At present, there are about 120 million people living with gastrointestinal diseases in China, and the age at which they are contracting these diseases is decreasing year by year. Compared with 30 years ago, the incidence of gastric cancer has doubled in young people aged 19 to 35, who now account for between 6-11 percent of all gastric cancer patients. Stomachache was an early indicator of more serious problems for about 80 percent of these.

目前,中国有1.2亿肠胃病患者,且患者低龄化趋势明显。 比较30年前的数据,19-35岁的年轻人胃癌发病率高了一倍。 35岁以下年轻人患胃癌的比例占病患总数的6%-11%,八成胃癌患者发病初期都有胃部疼痛的症状。

But don't automatically assume the worst just because you feel a pain in your abdomen. Most of the time, it's probably just that extra bowl of rice or piece of beef you ate that's to blame.


You could also be suffering from something less serious like a digestive disorder, which can often be managed or even cured with effective medical treatment.


If you're worried about your stomachache, seek advice from a medical professional. Avoid self-diagnosis and try not to jump to conclusions. Remember: stomach pain doesn't necessarily mean stomach cancer. 



With women as young as 22 now referring to themselves as "old ladies" online, it's not unusual to hear the older members of the post-90s generation say that they need a diet plan or exercise regimen to stay looking and feeling young. So instead of wallowing in self-pity, take it as a warning sign: stop living indulgently, before your body can't take it anymore!


Instead of very spicy or salty foods, try something lighter. You might find the "iron stomach" you once had now reacts better to less stimulating flavors! You could even try copying those health-conscious middle-aged people who drink hot water, wear long johns and eat lots of porridge. Because with age comes the wisdom that tea and porridge are also tasty, and leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be that hard!









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