

盈盈 发表于 2019-7-16 11:38:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地区: NY纽约州
餐饮职位: 其它行业
薪酬: 面谈
距离: -


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Bonchon LLC是一个韩式炸鸡连锁加盟公司,总部位于曼哈顿中心。 现有90家连锁店遍布于美国, 340家连锁店遍布于全球。 2 a! Q. D* \1 P
6 V/ L. G9 i+ }% W% A3 _4 e
* N# I# M5 v9 u& a) ~
1 ~" v# t/ k. p+ {, K% M# q你的职责:
: M9 G3 E2 R+ ?8 b9 |8 {-带领,培训加盟商 2 X2 N5 s0 d; ~* X3 |! N
-支持, 帮助新店开张 5 R+ K/ R6 I; u, _+ T& |5 q
-监督加盟店的运营质量 8 A9 W# }- Q: g3 S
+ K  Z& R; v2 ?: t-实行市场调查,商业分析, 并为有困难的加盟店制定提升计划   ~5 q9 b2 u  o: U  g3 @. K
-应用食品安全标准 ( b' r" c( b& l: J4 O. C
) d9 M6 b% e; V2 S8 Y0 i
" @& s; L/ |5 Z& i你的能力: . q( V5 \. @% u  W
-有领导力, 决策能力和责任心
4 |4 [8 b5 m  ]5 K+ M2 }  ]-出众的沟通能力 5 w# K- i* c( s
-可以因工作需求出差 " e9 O/ @/ O, ?: {% H; L
% `+ x+ d: P0 v0 [% E! i4 T-有相关的管理和市场经验
1 L( g. k+ n) L, a-熟练应用Microsoft Office和收银系统 - {; ~( W7 u$ P
-学士学位 9 K+ Q8 k1 I3 R6 R& V
-中英流利 % x4 F8 |" l' [; a5 A, w
. W0 w2 T: W* k% p
公司福利: . N, N3 V4 o" T; M, {$ ]
-带薪假期 ) s+ s& }( M# c( |
' u8 {% p1 k' f' X6 V! f-交通折扣 , K2 K- B% R+ g; k) X

" F( Q7 a2 \& @: U( k1 T如果你对此职位有兴趣,请发送你的简历到 [email protected]
) D  ?* z- F" {5 f# [谢谢!
WE'RE HIRING -- Bonchon Operations Field Consultant

1 ]& e0 F0 S$ d& A- n
Based in the heart of New York, Bonchon is a franchise specialized in Korean-style fired chicken and a variety of savory Asian fusion dishes. Bonchon currently has over 90 locations in the U.S and over 340 stores worldwide.

$ T1 J9 h* g: A6 r4 ]4 s
In order to expand rapidly all over the globe, we want you to join the amazing team.

& f- v: |+ W) R) x; Y
- Lead, train and teach the Bonchon mission, vision and values
- Support new restaurant opening
- Supervise restaurant operations performance
- Conduct hands-on franchisee training, onsite training and quality assurance inspection
- Perform market research, business analysis and set up the action plan in order to improve the business
- Implement food safety standards
- Update operations manual and upgrade operations system
- Fluent in both Chinese and English
$ E9 ^5 n2 |8 _$ S& w7 {
- Leadership, decision-making ability and a sense of responsibility
- Superior communication skills
- Involves moderate business travelling
- Cooking skills preferred
- Management and marketing experience preferred
- Proficient in Microsoft Office and POS system
- Bachelor degree
6 T$ k0 e2 [6 f! t4 L- [4 C6 T" t
- Paid vacation
- Health Insurance(including Dental)
- Commuting benefit
Contact info: [email protected]

7 W  x7 c5 s' Y& k8 |0 [

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