钱律师 发表于 2018-2-1 09:24:33

政庇案件积压存国家安全隐患 优先权大改 后交件者先面谈


2018年1月31日,美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)宣布大幅修改现行zhengzhi庇户面谈安排政策,以「后来先出」(last in, first out)原则,优先处理新提交的申请,而非已积累的旧案;USCIS说,这样做是为解决越积越多的政庇桉件,让移民官迅速筛检出不符资格的新申请者,进入递解程序,不让他们因漫长的等候程序而获工卡并留美,给国安留下隐患。



USCIS局长西斯纳(L. Francis Cissna)说,「zhengzhi庇户申请的延迟,损害合法政庇申请者的权益,也使国家安全和政庇系统的本意遭滥用和破坏。」



钱志远律师是美国律师协会与美国移民律师协会会员,到目前为止,已出席几百个zhengzhi庇户案件的庭审,其上庭通过率高达93%以上。 精办各种移民案件,特别是zhengzhi庇户和快速保释,还有十年绿卡、亲属移民、开案、联邦上诉、联邦催办令、公民入籍、离婚、U签证、非移民签证、生意转让、房屋买卖、取回保金、各种豁免。 他拥有极为丰富的全美各地上庭经验,同时还精于撰写各类上诉状,为客户争取最大利益。他为人热情、责任感强,极具亲和力。他视客户如家人,把客户的事当做自己的事,急客户所急,忧客户所忧,乐客户所乐。 有意者请来电或登门咨询钱志远律师楼曼哈顿唐人街勿街7-9号500室
电子邮件[email protected] Office of David Chien7-9 MottStreet, Suite 500New York, NY 10013


WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that the agency will
schedule asylum interviews for recent applications ahead of older filings, in an attempt to stem the
growth of the agency’s asylum backlog.

USCIS is responsible for overseeing the nation’s legal immigration system, which includes adjudicating
asylum claims. The agency currently faces a crisis-level backlog of 311,000 pending asylum cases as of
Jan. 21, 2018, making the asylum system increasingly vulnerable to fraud and abuse. This backlog has
grown by more than 1750 percent over the last five years, and the rate of new asylum applications has
more than tripled.

To address this problem, USCIS will follow these priorities when scheduling affirmative asylum
1. Applications that were scheduled for an interview, but the interview had to be rescheduled at the
applicant’s request or the needs of USCIS;
2. Applications pending 21 days or less since filing; and
3. All other pending applications, starting with newer filings and working back toward older filings.

Additionally, the Affirmative Asylum Bulletin issued by USCIS has been discontinued.

“Delays in the timely processing of asylum applications are detrimental to legitimate asylum seekers,”
said USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna. “Lingering backlogs can be exploited and used to undermine
national security and the integrity of the asylum system.”

This priority approach, first established by the asylum reforms of 1995 and used for 20 years until 2014,
seeks to deter those who might try to use the existing backlog as a means to obtain employment
authorization. Returning to a “last in, first out” interview schedule will allow USCIS to identify frivolous,
fraudulent or otherwise non-meritorious asylum claims earlier and place those individuals into removal

趁醉独饮痛 发表于 2018-2-1 14:36:51


天蓝蓝 发表于 2018-2-1 21:57:30

h j j bv 发表于 2018-02-01 14:36


Vivienne 发表于 2018-2-2 22:51:09


在人间 发表于 2018-2-3 09:45:13

Vivienne 发表于 2018-02-02 22:51


趁醉独饮痛 发表于 2018-2-3 18:15:23

Vivienne 发表于 2018-02-02 22:51


Vivienne 发表于 2018-2-3 19:24:05


N。 发表于 2018-2-11 15:31:37

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查看完整版本: 政庇案件积压存国家安全隐患 优先权大改 后交件者先面谈