情报弟 发表于 2017-6-2 14:26:06


I.广告类的处理1. 我们如何定义广告:a. 换钱/咨询换钱的帖子b. 团购/拼单的帖子c. 招代购的帖子d. 甩小网站外链的帖子e. 以生意为目的的各种调查及撒钱、抢楼或其他内容f. 表面灌水,实际抛二手版块链接做广告的帖子g. 各类小广告帖子h. 以吐槽为名贴自己卖东西的帖子内容或链接i. 提示别的用户自己有要出售的商品或所售、即将销售的商品类别j. 留下联系方式或指明联系方法k. 以帮亲友之名干上述事情,不管赚不赚钱l.抢楼送东西(抢楼可以,送金币可以,送东西不行)m.发布任何未确定与纽约情报站达成合作推广协议的网站2. 如何避雷:a. 存有潜在交易可能的帖子请发小本。b. 涉及求购、团购拼单请在发现版块寻找对应功能。c. 和交易有关的吐槽或闲聊请发二手版畅聊版,或尽量避免广告嫌疑d. 其他请参考交易类各版版规3. 对广告贴的处理:a. 抢楼送东西、团购拼单、换钱类、市场调查类帖子将视情况删除或移到小本或二手b. 招代购、甩外链、明目张胆打广告者将警告,严重者禁言。c. 在吐槽灌水中插入自己卖东西的链接,链接将予以删除,帖子关闭并删除。情况严重者将警告处理。d. 在回帖中留下联系方式或指明联系方法的,一律屏蔽楼层,严重者将警告处理。
II. 移贴相关依据




[*]抢楼送礼品活动将移至小本 (官方活动除外)



III. 灌水帖的处理1.何为灌水







2. 灌水的限度



3. 灌水不当的处理




IV. 爆料、纠纷与人身攻击
1. 爆料与纠纷请务必在秉持客观公正,对事不对人的态度,注重证据与措辞的前提下进行
3. 私下有纠纷无法解决需要公开寻求帮助的,请以证据为重并注意措辞,太过激烈尖锐的言辞将会警告处理。
4. 人身攻击的定义:



APP的管制办法说明1、所有用户均绑定手机才可以发布和回复,一个手机号码一个帐号,不能两号共存2、用户所发布的内容如有违规,一次删除,两次警告,三次永久禁言3、每天凌晨5到凌晨5点30分之间APP全站关闭,所发布的内容均进入审核状态4、如有用户发布侵犯别人隐私,APP首页有“举报”5、纽约情报站APP社区准则请到“圈子”顶部查看6、纽约情报站的群、及微信号只有我们官方人员建立的才为有效的官方群。官方人员的微信:nyqb818 管理员微信:xiangzige1688888888、ydwz1988、ny818555、NYQBZC、nyqbzzf616、sushi999999999 以上为官方人员微信号。其它均非官方人员
请大家爱惜纽约情报站APP这个公共平台,一起来维持这里的次序请不要为了个人利益,而忽略我们!I. Processing of advertising classes
1. How do we define an ad:
A. Change money / advice exchange money post
B. Buy / fight a single post
C. Recruitment of the post
D. Rejection of the website outside the website of the post
E. A variety of surveys for business purposes and money, salvage or other content
F. Surface irrigation, the actual throwing second-hand links to advertise the post
G. All kinds of small advertising posts
H. To Tucao for the name of their posts to sell things or links
I suggest that other users have the goods they are selling or the merchandise that is sold
Leave the contact information or specify the contact method
K. To help friends and relatives in the name of the above things, regardless of making money
L. Grab the building to send things (grab the floor can, send gold coins can, send something not)
M. Publish any website that has not been confirmed to cooperate with the New York intelligence station
2. How to mine:
A. There may be potential posts for potential transactions.
B. Involve Buy, buy spells Please find the corresponding function in the discovery section.
C. And trading related Tucao or chat please send second-hand version of chat version, or try to avoid advertising suspects
D. Please refer to the other version of the transaction class
3. Handling of advertising stickers:
A. Grab the land to send things, buy fight single, for money, market research posts will be removed as appropriate or moved to small or second
B. Move to buy, outside the chain, blatantly advertisers will be warned, serious prohibition.
C. In the Tucao irrigation to insert their own links to sell things, the link will be deleted, the post is closed and deleted. Serious cases will be dealt with.
D. In the Replies to leave contact or specify the contact method, all shield the floor, serious will be dealt with.

II. Relocation Basis
Moderators will move or categorize posts based on the main contents of the post, including but not limited to:
Do not transfer; the rest of the answer to whether the constructive principle, non-constructive posts such as "XXX brand shoes to wear it", "where to play" and so do not transfer; constructive posts such as illness counseling, School applications, mailing knowledge, etc., will move to the question plate for more answers or ask moderators to make an index.
Food stickers: the contents of the dishes to show and recipe-based post will be moved to the food version. The rest is retained.
Other items show: the contents of the show to the main post will be kept in the chat version of a week later moved to good light sun and other related sections.
The trade ad post will be moved to second-hand, small or recycle bin as appropriate
Posts with WeChat / QQ group number and indicate the contents of others plus group
Rush to send gifts activities will be moved to small (except for official activities)
Photographed photos or cause others to discomfort with unpleasant content, R-level pictures, will be blocked according to report the situation or warning, the post will be moved to the Recycle Bin. It is recommended to post the title marked cautious.
Posts with a mysterious chain will be moved to the Recycle Bin or remove the link as appropriate. To ensure that intellectual property rights, viruses and other factors, suggested po on the website screenshot or do the relevant science.

III. Treatment of irrigation posts 1. What is irrigation?

Push categories: such as "top!", "Ding", "UP!", "Row", "first top"
Meaningless class: such as "passing," look ", pure expression or no content and so on
For example, "sofa", "bench", "Mark", "change page" and so on
Scraper class
Pure reproduced class: jokes, news, pure pictures and so on
Other words or posts that have no reading value

2. Limit of irrigation
To ensure that everyone's reading experience, the same ID in an hour of continuous irrigation to reply to the 10th floor, or 5 hours within the more than 3 posts are considered excessive irrigation
Irrigation, pay back the money please pay attention to section exercise, a long time ago posts (especially 3 weeks + before the hair) do not archaeological.
Posting / reply with insulting, scolding, sarcastic, personal attacks or obscene words, or in the digging of grapes in the irrigation brush points, as a malicious irrigation

Irrational treatment of irrigation
In the dig graffiti in the brush points, according to the report to give oral reminders, serious warning.
Over-irrigation reply, will report the situation to give oral reminders or warnings.
Malicious words will be warned and shielded.
5 hours posting the number of over three will be deleted to three. Try to anonymous irrigation more than 3 posted friends once found to remove all anonymous stickers and warned that again offenders will turn off the small black house.

IV. Broke the news, disputes and personal attacks
1. broke the news and disputes, please be able to uphold the objective and impartial, not the attitude of people, pay attention to evidence and wording under the premise of
2. Users who have no dispute with the parties without the consent of the parties will be issued or forwarded with the private information (name, photo, contact, address, work unit, network ID, etc.) of the parties will be treated as a means of transmitting privacy content to be shielded The
3. Private disputes can not solve the need for public help, please take evidence and pay attention to wording, too sharp and sharp words will be warned.
4. Definition of personal attacks:
Attack or unfriendly comments on the personality, social class, family, educational background, political opinion, religious beliefs, disability, geography, race, etc. of others
Greeted the ancestors of the family, curse the descendants of the words, including the reproductive organs
Although there is no curse but the words with ridicule, insult and obscene words

5. There is a conflict between the two sides, disputes, and then evolved into a personal attack, where the existence of the above-mentioned unfriendly words will be shielded by the warning. If the dissatisfied treatment can be reported withheld, the user version of the vote, the final processing to vote as the result.

6. News and information, including the political, economic, military, diplomatic and other social and public affairs reports, comments, and reports on social emergencies, comments.
(This requires us to reprint the information, but also to identify the source of news and authenticity, as far as possible to regular sources of news, and not to win the eye, out of context to lead to de facto deviation, misleading public opinion and even panic, to avoid rumors spread The situation occurred, and that the source, one to protect the copyright, two to Dan problem, is conducive to trace the source.

APP's control approach
1, all users are bound to the phone can be released and reply, a mobile phone number an account, not the two coexistence
2, the contents of the user if the violation, a delete, two warnings, three permanent ban
3, every morning 2 to 8 am between the APP station closed, the contents of the published into the audit status
4, if the user issued a violation of privacy, APP home page "report"
5, New York intelligence station APP community guidelines go to the "circle" at the top view

Please take care of the New York intelligence station APP this public platform, together to maintain the order here
Please do not for personal interests, and ignore us!

gina 发表于 2017-6-2 22:57:56


情报弟 发表于 2017-6-3 02:13:32

gina 发表于 2017-6-2 23:57


情报弟 发表于 2017-6-3 02:14:44

gina 发表于 2017-6-2 23:57

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